Friday, February 29, 2008

Introducing Baby Beynon

Here are 2 pictures of the baby taken yesterday at 12 and 1/2 weeks. I don't know about you all, I am thinking girl! I am usually wrong about these things though! As you can see he or she does not have a bad side! This baby is downright beautiful if I must say so myself! Okay, maybe I am a little biased...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

When Alex Grows Up

Alex is trying to decide what to be when he grows up...He has narrowed it down to 3 career choices... a doctor, a cowboy, or a clown!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Famous Last Words

When I was pregnant with Alex things would happen that would scare or worry me, and I would say, "I can't wait until I am pregnant with the next baby. Then I will know what to expect." HA! This pregnancy could not be more different thus far. First of all, with Alex I was pretty nauseous. I couldn't walk Charlie because I would rather die than pick up poo. And walking by the boy's bathroom at Elmwood (where I taught at the time) was a fate even worse than death. This pregnancy, I can count on one hand the times I have gagged, and I haven't thrown up once. But I do feel so bloated that you could pop my belly with a pin and I would go flying around the room. I didn't have that feeling with Alex. I don't remember feeling this tired with Alex, maybe it was because I wasn't chasing after a two-year old twelve hours a day while trying to design a new home. And I didn't have to got to the hospital with Alex until I was 24 weeks and I thought my water had broken. It hadn't, I was just peeing my pants. This time I have had to go to Labor and Delivery twice already! The most recent was last night when my doctor sent me, because apparently my body has forgotten that my period should be on hiatus during pregnancy. The same thing happened a month ago. Luckily, everything is fine. I had a sonogram and saw Baby Beynon . He/she has grown so much in just two weeks. The baby was moving around like a wild person (GREAT!) and his/her heartbeat was strong. Thank GOD!

So with almost 12 weeks down and A LOT more to go, the two pregnancies could not be more different so far. We will see what happens along the rest of the journey. Keep praying for Baby Beynon - he/she is giving me a run for my money - already!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Going to Be a Great Big Brother

The other night Jay went to the gym after we put Alex to bed. At about 9:oo, I made some popcorn and was getting ready to watch that day's episode of Days of Our Lives. I had to see if John would kill Colleen now that he knew she was his mother. Anyway, I digress. I heard Alex making noise so I went up to check him, and he was still awake. He stood up and hugged me and said, "I go lay on the sofa with Momma." How could I say NO? I am such a pushover!

Next thing I know he is sitting up watching Days with me, eating my popcorn and drinking my water. Out of nowhere, he leans over and says, "Momma, there a baby in your belly?" I said, "Yes." Then he starts tickling my belly and saying, "Tickle. Tickle." I couldn't help but laugh. And then I wanted to cry, because he rested his head on my belly and said, "I love you, baby."

How sweet! He is going to be an great big brother!

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Heartbeat

As an addition to the previous post about Miracles and Heartbeats, I just have to say there is nothing more miraculous than seeing your baby's heartbeat for the first time. I am now 10 weeks pregnant. We had our first ultrasound on January 16th and there on the screen was the tiny heartbeat flickering. Amazing! And we had another ultrasound on February 4th. Not only did we see the heart beating, but this time we saw the arms and legs moving. It is truly miraculous how something as tiny as a coffee bean can be that perfect. We are in love.

Thank you God for answering our prayers - Alex is going to have a brother or sister in early September!